revise|revises in English


[re·vise || rɪ'vaɪz]

act of making changes, alteration; proof sheet made to verify changes made and check for additional errors

Use "revise|revises" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "revise|revises" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "revise|revises", or refer to the context using the word "revise|revises" in the English Dictionary.

1. This comprehension exercise also revises previous grammar work.

2. Final chapter revises grammatical points important in letter writing.

3. I have to revise for maths.

4. You must revise for the examination.

5. She undertook to revise my compositions.

6. Occasionally you may need to revise your goals.

7. This new AD revises certain Applicabilities and compliance times in the existing AD

8. I've got to revise my geography.

9. This time, to plan to revise case.

10. It urged Mr Dornbusch to revise his opinion.

11. We may have to revise this figure upwards.

12. You should revise your opinion of him.

13. This new AD revises certain Applicabilities and compliance times in the existing AD

14. This discovery made them revise their old ideas.

15. Revise your roles in marriage where necessary or helpful.

16. So some economists began to revise their assumptions.

17. I'll have to revise my ideas about Tom.

18. I can't come out tonight. I have to revise.

19. His publishers made him revise his manuscript three times.

20. In the light of these changes, we must revise our plan.

21. Revise: Having mapped the previous solution to the target situation, test the new solution in the real world (or a simulation) and, if necessary, revise.

22. Synonyms for Adjusts include changes, alters, modifies, amends, edits, molds, redesigns, revamps, revises and reworks

23. Of course there will be a day to revise things,

24. General ledger, journal ought to be used revise this form.

25. You must revise your English for the mid-term examination.